Thriftonista (TM- trademark) is a term I coined to describe a girl who recognizes that being fashionable is not about how much money you spend but about spending your money on clothes that allow you to express your own unique sense of style while looking great, feeling fabulous and still being able to pay those bills!
If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me at thriftonista@gmail.com or leave a comment right here.
Thank you!
TaRosa Jacobs
The Thriftonista

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Free Cuteness!!!

The Lunch Date Blouse GIVEAWAY!!!!
Please check this out. This blouse is lovely and this idea is so cute that I am going to do something very similar very soon. I've been wanting to host a giveaway and now that I know about being able to share links in this manner, I am very inspired! Free super cuteness coming very soon!

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